21 Days of Prayer and Fasting


August 10, 2020 @ 5:00 am
August 30, 2020 @ 11:30 pm

Greetings fabulous faith community! I am excited as we embark upon this special time of corporate fasting and prayer. As you are aware, we are living in unprecedented and uncertain times. The first half of this year has been filled with many challenges. In spite of this it is good to know that our great God is still Sovereign and He is able to bring positive change! Therefore it is imperative that the body of Christ seek God like never before. This season’s fasting and prayer experience will focus on the Theme ALTER Prayer!

In scripture we find the altar to be a sacred place where individuals demonstrated dedication. In these times, many prayers were answered and mighty miracles were performed. As we partner in prayer our goal is to create space for God to alter or change us and our circumstances.

AlTER Prayer & Fasting Journal (click here for information)


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